Patient Fluid Pumping System

The Challenge

The Patient Fluid Pumping system was developed and designed by Vantage to make use of a novel liquid which interacts with subcutaneous fat to release bonds and excrete from the body. Due to novel viscosity and density characteristics of the fluid, a complete pumping system was developed for use by surgeons during this cutting edge procedure.

The Complexity
  • Previous cart generations incorporated a pole prone to concentrated stresses, over time reducing the yield strength of the system. Vantage developed a curved distribution system that distributed the stress evenly across its surface, resulting in increased durability and reduced downtime.
  • Infusion Pump performance was of paramount importance, leading Vantage to develop and implement a unique verification protocol, defined by the viscosity of the novel liquid.
  • Tipping concerns were paramount during development, to assess weight distribution Vantage ran centroid & FMEA calculations. This led to Vantage choosing the most stable configuration for varying use cases.

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